Level Designer
Environmental Pieces
This page hosts Maya projects and vignettes both finished and still a work in progress. More models will be added in the future, but here are a few that I am proud of.
Crescent Chronicle
To practice using Maya, I recreated a piece from the 2006 game Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia. This is the Crescent Chronicle, a massive chandelier fashioned out of organ pipes.
The model was created but left un-textured in Maya. When I imported to Unreal Engine 4, I added the metallic gold texture to create a similar appearance in the game.
This project is ongoing with the intention fully recreating the Crescent Chronicle in Unreal Engine 4.

Reference image

Tower of Corona
With a team of three, the Tower of Corona inspired by Tangled was created. The whitebox model consists of three tiers, each of which were assigned to one of us for creation. This project was mainly to practice working with other level designers with a focus on creating a golden path.
The golden path consists of wagons that the player can jump on to overcome the walls of the village then running up the stairs that spiral up the tower. It ends with Rapunzel's hair dangling from her tower window.
I created the center tier with the tower being the landmark of the whitebox level and the braided hair (colored yellow) being the end goal.
Gina Levy
Adria Llerena


Fairy Den
Asset Packs
Flowers and Plants Nature Pack
Harbour Pack – Wooden Modular
Houseplant Pack
Lab Bottles
Medieval House Interior
Nature Package
Paragon Fey
I don't see many whimsical and fantasy type content made with Unreal Engine 4, so I decided to try my hand at such a scene after indulging in dioramas and miniatures projects.

Night By the Castle
Asset Packs
Colors of Fantasy Trees
Medieval Japanese Village
Japanese Castle
MJH Modular Japanese Town
Paragon Shinobi
Taking inspiration from night life in Japan, this work in progress taught me how to create fireworks. The lighting is not yet finished on this piece, but it is one of my favorite works.